Misdirected Protests Have Unintended Consequences
I cannot resist adding my two cents worth to the public debate surrounding protests of the American flag and national anthem. I believe the negative impact of the actions of these sports celebrity protesters is being underestimated. I also believe the methods (kneeling, sitting, etc.) used by those individuals are producing unintended consequences whose negatives at the national level substantially outweigh whatever positives the protesters hope to achieve at the local level. Like termites their impact is eating away at the foundations of American democracy. But I am getting ahead of myself. To set the stage let me make it clear I love America, the American flag, our national anthem and the right to exercise free speech, among other freedoms. Protest is a protected tradition. I hope this is unequivocal, before I get to the "however". HOWEVER..... I wholeheartedly disagree with the way NFL, NBA and other sports celebrities are going about their protests ...