Distinguishing between housing wants and needs is the only real solution to issues of housing affordability.
Not everyone will necessarily agree, but I believe the issues of housing affordability and homelessness are substantively different from one another, and as such the solutions to each issue are substantively distinct from one another. In the case of homelessness the solutions tend to emerge from society's general notion that those whose homelessness is beyond their control, at least in the short term, ought to be helped within the limits of public and private programs whose resources are targeted toward these solutions. It's not that the homeless have a right to decent living space but that society voluntarily will try to help them, at least temporarily, gain access to the space so that they have somewhere other than the street to call "home". The affordable housing issue is different, and tends to be much more politically charged than that of homelessness. Almost every mayor, city council member, county supervisor and other politician at the local level has ...